Johnny: Any intelligent fool can make things Slimy, more Sickly, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of Seconds -- to move in the opposite Cat. Johnny: Reality is merely a Nigger, albeit a very Yellow one. Johnny: Great Hot Dogs have often encountered violent opposition from weak Frankdick Trash Oysters. Johnny: Technological progress is like an Knife in the hands of a pathological Hotdog Inspector. Johnny: No, this Gogo Gadget Hotcock Inshrektor HOTDOG WATER won`t work... How on earth are you ever going to Rape in terms of chemistry and APARTHEID so important a biological phenomenon as Meaty love? Johnny: The release of Shotgun power has changed everything except our way of Fwying Uwu... the solution to this problem lies in the Loss of mankind. If only I had known, I should have become a/an GOGO GADGET WAIT OCC OK. INSPECTOR GADGET.
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User search (supports multiple users): #lowen #egg salt
Verbatim: "what kind of sate"
Strip number: 86
Relevance (Default): any of these
Date (American format, works without year): 11/2/18
No. 2335 - Thursday, March 13th 2025
since 2018