No. 703 - September 24th 2020
Koba: My consciousness will still haunt your asses forever
Lowen: your consciousness already haunts my ass every night
Lowen: or like, my consciousness conjures a figment of your consciousness, or something.
Lowen: idk man i just fly the drone
Koba: We are all meat mechs on an uncontrollable rock ship hurtling millions of miles an hour through an infinite and uncaring cosmos
Koba: Nothing matters
Cal: underneath the flesh facade, we're all babies playing big.  same feelings, just more words
Cal: but words are the world
Lowen: is this from something
Cal: yes
Lowen: inb4 bee movie
Cal: it just tends to hold true
Cal: no
Koba: Comic
Cal: ok
Cat: Minecraft story mode

Search syntax:

User search (supports multiple users): #lowen #egg salt

Verbatim: "what kind of sate"

Strip number: 86

Relevance (Default): any of these

Date (American format, works without year): 11/2/18



since 2018